pic: 1126 placing them ringers on!

Here we are at FLR doing what we do! for those of u that did and didnt see it any comments? questions? ideas? concerns?

To Dylan and the rest of SparX,

I am very impressed with you robot this year. What a great robot! I can not wait to watch you at Buckeye and at the Championship. Great job SparX! :yikes:

I was also very impressed by your gripper, one of the best I’ve seen at FLR. (the other three being G-House, X-Cats, and MOE).

Speaking of which, what was it that caused your gripper to fall off during pratice matches? Was it just not on right?

Good luck at Buckeye. I wish I could be there to see more.

the plates were not big enough and thus broke when 145 hit it.

what a beast!

the grabber also would have been more effective if the pressure would have been set right…oh well…that is why we lost tubes when bumped in traffic, we are also making modifications to ensure a better and more secure grip. ty for the compliments all!


yes but we made the fix that practice day and it never broke off Friday or saturday despite being abused just a little both days(we went for protecting it after the first broke, then the second broke and we improved it and protected it even better).

You guys have a wonderful robot. It was nice working with you guys in almost all of the matches and finals at FLR. Good luck in all of your future competitions.
-Shelby-team 316

It was truly a beautiful sight to see that robot pick up a tube off the floor and put it on the rack in a matter of seconds. Awesome design guys. I am honored to have been alligned with such an amazing scoring robot. Good luck at your future competitions.:smiley:

Thanks you guys for all the compliments. I just wanted to say thanks 316 for picking us to be on your alliance. You guys had a truly amazing robot and your lift mechanisms were great to climb on. They always worked and it was so much fun working with you guys. I would also like to say great job 340 for being on the lowest seeded alliance and coming in second place. You guys are also a truly amazing team and fun to work with. Also thanks to all the teams that came to FLR!

This gripper was definitley one of my favorite at FLR, and one of the best I have seen so far. It’s just to bad that both our end-effectors had to break in the one match we had together. It stinks that nobody was able to see the full ability of our offensive robots together this year.

Looking good…


This was a great robot to watch play this game. It is unfortunate that MOE didn’t get a chance to be on an alliance with you guys. I also loved the fluid autonomous keeper scoring routine - you made it look easy!

Best of luck and see you in Atlanta!

Any videos?

$5 per view. :stuck_out_tongue:

The whole FLR will be on soap once ed and ellery do thier thing and send it to soap.