pic: 114, completed component?

Well, here’s a component of our bot.


I wana guess 4 wheel steerin?

That’s a cool looking hoo-ha :slight_smile:

*(http://www.chiefdelphi.com/media/photos/20040) But I could be wrong! :smiley:

(These are the same modules they used in 2005)*

SO you’re finally doing the crab! COOL

No that looks like an old module. I think hes lying here somewhere…

Those also look like those plates which are supposedly not for the drive train. I’m betting the arm has some wheel assembly on it but the robot isn’t a crab drive.

The wheels seem a bit worn to me…

They could be waiting for the real wheels to arrive.

Yeah, but those plates aren’t on the '05 robot, and the chassis, it could be argued, is not part of the drivetrain. Crab drive it is, unless they put a crab module into a 6-wheel wheel slot. Come to think of it…

Nice one, Craig! Either this picture or this one is a fake! (And, I’m betting it’s this one, due to the fact that that box tubing has enough space for a wheel in each slot.) 6-wheel drive, no swerve.

I’m betting they’re stationary supports for a single stage arm, and the end plates are part of a tensioning system similar to what team 60 uses on their arms.

Design changes are always a viable option =p

Very nice! Actually, the link you posted was going to be our drive base, until we changed around the design to a totally modular system. So the real question here is, which component that I posted is the real one?

Noope. :slight_smile:

I’m pretty convinced they’re doing crab/swerve drive. I’ve been talking to Craig a lot and he keeps bringing it up and seeming pretty excited about it. Not to mention… why wouldn’t you use it this year? It’s a great drivetrain for mobility.

This looks familiar.



But you should make it compatible with the '05 modules. That’d probably get an award.

You know, Li… If you’re going to spoil someone’s fun, you might as well link to the real picture, not a concept that was never built…