pic: 1241 Robot - Shadow

Yup team 1241, theory6's ball catching machine! :slight_smile: Back at the shop way before shipping :slight_smile:

Congratulations for NOT having a robot known for killing an announcer and a referee in one swipe. That arm missed Paul Copioli and me by inches!. :slight_smile:

Great robot though. PS - anyone on your team willing to trade their jersey for a ThunderChickens shirt?

Oh no! That’s not good…not good at all! I’m sure the controllers didn’t mean it :slight_smile: We’re sorry about any danger it might have imposed :slight_smile: You never know what happens during the heat and excitment of a game.

About the jersey, I’m pretty sure we could trade one for the shirt… Ask us at Nationals…we’ll be more than happy to trade :slight_smile: