pic: 1323's Robot of Doom

This is our competition bot, we decided to go super simple aka THE KISS Principle. Final Robot!

Wow RC! This thing looks fierce! Much better than last year’s robot. Very nice work. I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta. :slight_smile:

However, that cart needs some work. :frowning:

The front wheels aren’t driven then?

I do like the vertical electronics board; it’s actually made of something people usually call “a board”.

The front wheels aren’t driven then?

You’re mistaken. Those are the front wheels.

Oh I see, so the central electrical board acts as a rudder correct? You turn it on a servo to steer on that high speed field. Excellent design.

i like ur thinking. final robot after one week . . . thats great. gives the drivers plenty of time to practice. by atlanta, they’ll be driving with their eyes closed! lol. looking good!

I’m not sure of the legality of the battery though. Haha… Just kidding… No seriously, I don’t think it’s legal. :smiley: Use some duct tape because that IS legal.

Is it just me, or did some of these posters sound like they were actually serious??? LOL:p

You know I did sense a lot of seriousness in the way they are typing because you know I can do that now. I have that power I have transcended.

Hey, The Litchbots use actual “boards” every year

This is totally not fair. That’s our robot design. =]

Ours actually looks like that now, except the board is horizontal and has a metal frame over it holding a lexan cover for the electronics. Ostensibly this keeps random things from hitting the controls system, but really it’s because the robot makes an awesome table =]

The only thing we have to fix is the non-KOP caster on the front. Oh, and did I mention that we’re under the weight limit, and we have a 40 pound lead brick on it?

:yikes: :eek: :yikes: :eek: Man we are so behind we will be so lucky if our robot can even start breaking rules! At this point more than two wheels that can spin will be a huge suprise! :stuck_out_tongue: