pic: 179's Drivers

Me and Amanda After winning the Florida regional

You want to fear florida drivers? Well here the are… Tytus and Amanda… they did an amazing job driving that monster this past weekend at the Florida regional.

… can’t wait to see Florida teams on einstein. :slight_smile:

Congrat grand to the drivers of 179

i believe the first win for a drivers on the ECDU this year. once again congrat nice work.

WOW…I’m still in a state of shock! They kept that robot in control the entire time. It always seemed like they knew exactly where they were going and nobody stopped them. (literly) Great job Tytus and Amanda!

congrats u guys, u guys did amazing u guys handled that bot to near perfection and u guys deserved to win the regional, from practice day u guys were dominating the game with ur amazing bot and good driving

those two are two of my favorite ppl in the world :slight_smile:

i’m soo happy for them…they are the greatest friends and work soo well together…

congrads again amanda and tytus :slight_smile:
luv ya guys

see ya at palmetto and nationals :slight_smile:

I have to agree. You guys played amazingly. Great job. See you at Palmetto.