pic: 1902, 1065 - Robot Ruckus

After one failed attempt, 1902 made it up our ramp.

I’ll post video later tonight after I edit it.

That is the video of us deploying our ramps, then 1902 going up them. Dan kind of gets in the way because I think he was scared of the robot falling off again.

Also, after robots are loaded the robot moves away from the players station, we’re just using it as a gourd rail since we don’t have the weight for rails right now. But that part of the video got cut off because…I got scared the robot was coming at me pretty fast.

If anyone wants it I have film of us driving around with the ramps down.

Quick question, from what i see, your arm is exposed, dont you think someone may run over that thing?

By the end of the ruckus our robot was programmed that when the ramps deploy the arm goes straight up.

runs over to strategy department I have new information on other teams! :ahh:

Two great looking robots 1065 and 1902! I’ll love playing against them (perhaps with them too).

Hehe Bring it on!

Hopefully Michelle will post the video of us falling it off, I just want all teams to see what can happen if your not careful with ramps this year. Think of it as a GI Joe Style Public Service Announcement.

1065 deffinately had a nice robot and it was good to see them get everything working at the end and get some practice in. Its deffinately going to be a force to be reckoned with at the UCF regional as it will probably it will be one of the more versatile bots out there.

Wendy told me that I’m not allowed to post the video of you guys falling…

So here’s the directory where all videos will be once I edit them:


(Youtube seems to be failing)

heh send it to me I’ll post it :stuck_out_tongue: ( J/k whats that phrase? “Do not bite the hand that feeds you?” That would be pretty close to accurate if I crossed her heh )

It’s in the folder.

I’m currently adding links from today to our teams downloads page found here:


go ahead and post it Michelle. Dan I will still feed you.

We had a lot of fun today. Thanks goes to Team 945 Colonial High School for setting this up for us.

That is one set of awesome ramps!

That’s pretty sweet! Can you get 2 robots over the 12" mark?

can your robot only recieve tubes by the human player? or can the arm be moved down to the ground?

Yes. But there was not an opportunity to test that out yesterday.

As of yesterday our gripper was not completed. PLANS are to have it be able to get them from the HP and from the ground.

Dumb question: Is using that yellow & black caution tape legal? Even if a non-functional decoration, it doesn’t pass through the flowchart because it “violates a robot rule” ( <R35> specifically.)


This matter has already been brought to my attention, thank you for your concern. I will be working with the mentors on Monday to fix the problem.

The tape is used for labeling purposes! hehe, more specifically where the ramp is. It says “Wires, Cables, Pneumatics Etc.” Without the landing strip guidlines how do the other teams know where to go? We sure didn’t heh
:yikes: :stuck_out_tongue:

1065 and 1592’s ramps both looked pretty nice at the ruckus. 1592’s seems to be harder to climb if you have a low ground clearence. I have multiple videos and pictures from the ruckus, I’ll try to get them on google video or send them to Michelle soon.