pic: 1902 Autonomous - Video


'Exploding Bacon' presents it's autonomous mode for a mouth-wateringly robust and efficient autonomous mode. The pleasant smell of 100% efficiency unloading in 12 consecutive trials brings you back to those wonderful home-cooked meals. 1902 is already cooked and ready to go… the day for pigs to fly has come, and the world shall see how well they fly at the Florida and Lone Star Regionals, with a landing at the Atlanta Championship in 'Exploding Bacon's' on radar.

'Exploding Bacon' Autonomous Video:

Breakfast never tasted so good.

Nice! :slight_smile:

Amazing… a rookie team have proved to us that if you have the will to do it, you can accomplish it. Hats off to Mike Walker, Dan Richardshon and the crew.

Very nice!!


I am guessing it will start the match sideways… correct?

What was it doing when it was backing up and moving forward on the ramp after it released all of the balls? Was it having trouble leaving the ramp?

Yes the bot will start facing the goal,
The shaking was for any balls that could be stuck in the hopper

It looked like it’s doing the same thing we’re planning to do: bumping the wall a few times to make sure all the balls are out.

Ohh right it’s in autonomous mode, now it makes sense. I forgot it was under autonomous mode so I thought it was stuck or something.

Thanks arefin, yeah its been a tough season, right down to the wire working with rookie teams can be quite the challenge. My hats off to our programming team for getting that done. Special thanks to people like Mike Nicoli and Doug Leoppard for helping us with the programming.

We still have a lot of work to do to be where we want to be but 1902 will be at ucf and ready to compete can’t wait to see you all there.