pic: 191, 179 & 494

This was a great alliance. Thanks X-cats for picking us. You both were great to work with.

Thanks 179 and 494 you guys both had great robots and that was pretty much the best alliance we could have even hoped for. Taking out 71 was awesome and its too bad we couldnt just go a little further. Great job to 217, 245, and 766. You were just a little too much for us. Congrats

I think we could have done better had we taken a time out before the first finals match. We had 4 minutes from the time the semi final was over to the time we had to start the final match. That was no time to get a strategy together, and barely enough to change the battery… I know we all didn’t like our primary strategy going into that match. We came very close to winning that second match. Also for some reason the trim went out of wack on Amanda’s arm for the first match, so we stunk. But they were deffinitely a great alliance to be dealt with.
Those first matches with 71, 40 and 27 were hair pulling too. That was a tough alliance, and fun matches.

Congrats to the Chickens, Adambots and 766 (good guys to work with also). It was a blast!

Congratulations to all the drivers and coaches on thia awesome alliance. We did the best we can and goes to show that the underdogs can take big steps when needed to get to the Archimedes Finals!

Another great year and we’ll miss all you seniors!


Yeah it was a great run but Children of the Martian Cats fell just short.
What a great year!
Thanks guys and congrats to 245, 217 and 766 who were truly worthy champions.

We will just have to be together next year and win it