pic: 2004 Robot+ 2 Ringers= 12 inches


We took our 2004 robot and balanced it on two ringers… and yes it is 12 inches above the ground

Great Idea! We should all build robots to stack/ make ramps out of the tubes. The Rack is just the distractor. Awesome

Aren’t the donuts considered field elements though? (This was something that confused me while reading the rules this year.) Therefore, it’s robot lifting robot that will get the extra points; one robot has to stay on the ground?

Or am I and most of my team entirely off our rockers?

Darn! See Section 7, Rev A (or later) or Update 1 for why I said that.

Not sure if this is a sarcastic thread, but as posted in Team Update #1, this doesn’t count.

Section 7.3.6, Rule <G56> -
“ROBOTS score bonus points at the end of the match if they are entirely in their HOME
ZONE, not in contact with any element of the field (carpet, alliance station, goal, etc. -
note that for the purposes of this rule, GAME PIECES are considered field elements)
and the lowest point of the ROBOT is higher than 4 inches and/or 12 inches above the
carpeted field surface.”


This photo was taken the day after kickoff before Team Update #1 changed the tubes to field elements specifically to prevent teams from attempting to do this in the home zone.

One tube worked really well, but two tubes were a little unstable.