pic: 2007 HOTBOT

Here is Team 67’s 2007 entry into Rack and Roll. Here it is picking a ringer from the floor.

now that’s HOT!

so what’s all the details!?

In short the HOTBOT will hang a keeper, hangs ringers at all levels, and can lift two robots to a height of more than 12 inches. We will post a video tomorrow afternoon.

I am a member of the HOT team and i will be posting two videos tommorow of our robot, at approximately 5:00, untill then,:cool: imagine!

That is an incredible robot! It looks like a ton of thought went into every little part of it. I will be shocked if you don’t outperform almost every other bot on the field!

From the other picture you guys posted, it looks like you guys are going under robots and picking them up. Do you think teams will like that?

Very nice bot. I like the arm. Can’t wait to see it in action in person.

Definitly an great looking bot (as exspected from 67) but, call me old fashioned, but I’m missing the days of your old drive train set up, where you’d start a match on your back end, then fall forward, to me that’s always been the signature of HOTBOT. Though I can understand why with the last few you’ve drifted away form it.

Nice job guys!

Another awesome design from an awesome team!
Good Luck at the competition!


I am a member of the HOT team and i will be posting two videos tommorow of our robot, at approximately 5:00, untill then,:cool: imagine!

/me want to see video of awesome robot!

QUOTE=Anubuss;582068]Definitly an great looking bot (as exspected from 67) but, call me old fashioned, but I’m missing the days of your old drive train set up, where you’d start a match on your back end, then fall forward, to me that’s always been the signature of HOTBOT. Though I can understand why with the last few you’ve drifted away form it.

Nice job guys!

We didn’t do a flopbot because we couldn’t figure what do do with the flag when we flopped! Just kidding. We felt that the game this year didn’t require the extra stability that the flopbot gave us. I hope we are right.

Looks great. Just out of curiosity, how close are you to the 72x72 limit?

Once the match has started, the ROBOT may assume a PLAYING CONFIGURATION that exceeds the size dimensions specified in Rule <R07>. While outside of its HOME ZONE, a ROBOT may expand up to a maximum width of 72 inches and depth of 72 inches. While entirely inside of its own HOME ZONE, there is no limit to the maximum width or depth of the ROBOT, as long as it remains entirely within the HOME ZONE. There are no height
limits for a ROBOT in its PLAYING CONFIGURATION at any time after the start of the match (other than those naturally created by the ceiling height of the competition venue).

We do not violate this rule, if that’s what you’re asking.

Yes we lift under the robots. This is something we put a lot of thought into. Our “racks” are 16" wide and 1" tall, and lift to a height 16" off the ground, which allows for robots to have up to 4" of ground clearnace. Our lifts can safely lift all our previous robots without fear of damaging them. We were originally planning to have a drive-on platform on the top of these lifts. After much consideration, we felt all-in-all this was a safer way to lift other robots. They’re much less sensitive to the positioning of the robot (wheels hanging off the edge and whatnot) and it prevents robots from rolling off while being lifted. Hopefully we can work with our partners before the match to ensure we can lift them without fear of damaging their robot.

It’s kind of funny how people have associated what we call the “flop” with our team. We only did this for 2 years of the 10 or so that we’ve been building robots, and those two machines couldn’t have been more different drivetrain wise. In '04 it was basically a two wheel drive skid steer machine with low speed front wheels that would deploy and lift those movable goals a bit. In '05 (the tetra year) we had a three wheel “swerve” drive. The flop is not all it’s cracked up to be either, the process of falling down can have a very detrimental affect on the remainder of the autonomous mode. We had a heck of a time keeping a tetra in our possession during this process in '05.

Many people may not be aware but last year it was against the rules to “flop”.

How come our robot never looks pretty? sobs

It’s beautiful…I love our bot. I think I want to take it to prom…:smiley:

Looks interesting, and can’t wait to see the videos. Your arm looks simple; is it as easy to pick up the tubes as it appears???

so when is this video getting posted, hmm?

I thought if anyone, you’d know.:stuck_out_tongue:
It must be a Walt thing.

Can it reach all three levels of the rack? It sure looks like it can with ease. Good job, too. Looks Great!
