pic: 233 Anyone?



You’re engraving hearts?

im guessing its a 3

carving their number in?

Yep, we’re milling our number into that piece, just thought it was a cool picture.

Wow, I feel dumb. I don’t know why I didn’t get that

Ohhh, it looks so sweet. . .

…and not a drop of pink.


I thought you did final machining (like numbers and pockets) after powder coating and not before. Will there be less toolpaths on the Roccobot this year?

I had to look really hard. I think because of the perspective. It looks like the top of a heart and we - are - talking about Pink. Anything is possible with them.

I think I remember reading they just take a cleanup pass after powdercoat, to show the toolpaths.

Depends on the part and the look we are trying to get.

thats crazy. we’re putting the heart on the…nevermind

that sure is something. what i dont but something

We only machine after powdercoat when we’re not machining all the way through the part.