pic: 237 Breakfast

This is Scott Shaw serving me breakfast. Me and a teammate, Stephen, went down to Watertown to support their team and see the new bot!

Are you allowed to post any pictures of their robot, for those of us who couldn’t find the time to fly out to Connecticut for pancakes this morning? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, I’m trying to be a nice guy, and not posting pics of the bot. So, you will need to ask 237 if I can.

PS… follow the yellow link road?

Breakfast!?!? No no no, this is clearly a test of the end-effector tetra grabber. Except for some reason their tetras look more like metal pans. :smiley:

This years pancake breakfast went great. We had alot of students and customers that showed up, and it looks like it will be a good money maker (we will find out the results tomorrow). I would like to thank team 38 for helping out and we look forward to this years Finger Lake Regional with you!

As for the “spy” pictures that were taken of our bot, we are still debating on the full public release of them. If we do decide to release them, then they will be posted on Chiefdelphi and/or our website.