pic: 2495 presents - "Mr. Scoops"

Some intake work still needed (missing front roller), as well as the usual sponsor decals and such.

Special thanks to team 41 for an amazing scrimmage today

I love this design I can’t wait to see it in action at lenape.

It’s also currently missing hanger parts which are out being refined/machined. You can see how it works in this student’s prototype video though. The arm reduction has been calculated to do the lifting, and some testing at the scrimmage confirmed it, just need the hooks now!

Also, here’s a fun little button with CAD to compare the actual bot to :slight_smile:


Do you think positioning your intake above the shooter does anything to the launch? I’ve seen teams with integrated intake shooter systems have the shooter on the top or bottom.

EDIT: Forgot to mention

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We went through many prototypes (were pretty awesome with wood.) As we were cadding, any questions we had we sent to our prototypers. This was one of them, and they tested our “allowance” for interference. On the final there is none. Prior planning at its finest!

About the gussets, simple and bold make quite a statement!

Wow, prototyping?! I can’t wait to take this innovative concept to the minds that run the ship at 422! (Harrison, I know you’re reading this eventually)

I know the kids put a robot together they’re going to be super proud of, and will hopefully stand up to the gauntlet that is MAR.

Congrats on a great design 2495! Can’t wait to see it in action around MAR.

Have fun with it this season.


Looks simple and effective best of luck with it. Kudos on making a complex game seem easy.

Gotta love the flash reflecting back off of the retro-reflective tape lol

I like how you combined your floor and slot intake with your shooter mechanism.

Can’t wait to see it in action.


For anyone interested in our design process/season, my facebook 2013 build album should be public

Such a good design on this bot, this is going to be one of the most common concepts in this game because so many good teams had this idea, just wish looking back that 694 might have been one of them.

For anyone confused about the front, there is a pivoting HDPE arm not mounted on there since we were missing a roller axle. This render shows the pivoting “ears” though which have a roller mounted on them. With a little surgical tubing to keep the arm planted to the ground and bolts as hard stops, the swivel arms pivot when the arm is touching the ground. Even in the render the roller isn’t there, but you get the idea. Again, this is all just based off of wood prototypes.

One of the swivel arms: http://i.imgur.com/3IPVcZY.jpg

I am curious the dimensions of this robot and if it fits in 54 inch circle? The size from the photos paired with the work I did earlier in the season with a similar idea leads me to think you might have some problems. Although I sincerely hope I am wrong.

does it shoot upside down bees?

The CAD at horizontal is about 54.5" out with the HDPE arms in the drawing being placeholders (we hadn’t worked out the shape fully at the time this was sent for machining), but the real thing was shaved down since that swivel part was being iterated as the team went along. It’s incredibly close and right at the 54" mark right now though which worries me. We’ll probably play with the length of that part/different iterations as the season goes on. The rear bumper might be a slight issue if moved out of place, but I’m hoping that won’t be the case.

I’ll have Brandon post a screenshot from the CAD later probably when he has access to it.

Greg, I’m curious, did your team implement a similar design as this still? I’m excited to see it now!

Yes and no. The team I am working with this year did implement an Arm shooter but it is very different in it’s implementation to this, mainly due to the fact that we could not get the geometry to work and stay within the 54" circle all the time. I’ll post some photos tomorrow of what we came up with.

One of our goals determined early in the season was that we wanted our robot to be able to handle an upside down frisbee in the event that one was picked up, so yes it does in the sense that it conveys/stores/spits out but we are in no means trying to score upside down frisbees

We are at 53.5 with the arm in horizontal, and we can easily take it back some more if needed.

Some practice in our shop

Looks nice, can’t wait to see it at TCNJ.

And I can’t be the only one who switched tabs to Facebook at ~30 seconds in.:smiley: