We’ve seen it, and it is AMAZING, as all other Team 254 robots are!!! I won’t give out any deals, but, be prepared for a good robot!
So “it” will be coming out later this year! I can’t wait! This will help teams tremendously! Team 256 will be waiting for the email!
But does it kick 5 balls, wedge itself in the tunnel, or hang multiple uber tubes in auto?
I wish our team could have come down to the scrimmage days, but we read the rule “only 6 students can come” and since we have over 60 members, it was a little hard to decide who got to go.
Plus we have a kick *** robot this year, and we really want to keep it under wraps this year. Not to sound cocky, but it’s gonna turn some heads at competition this year.
I’m a little curious here.
You say that we can enter match data and make it publicly available if we wish.
So if I go to Get Team Data and I look up data for team xxxx. Is this data only what my team enters into the system or is there some system that pulls out the numbers from all of the data that is submitted for team xxxx?
- Sunny
How do we go about adding events?
Apparently, our team doesn’t exist?
I can’t even sign up because I have to pick my team number from a list that doesn’t contain it…
You have to add your team and create and administrative account before you can actually register members.
If you look up data for Team XXXX, you are seeing all the data your team scouted on this team, all the data scouted by other teams who choose to make their data public and all the data from users not associated with teams. If another team chooses to make their scouting data private, only that team will be able to view the data.
On a separate note, if any other teams are willing to contribute robot pictures and/or match video to the system, let us know. As far as video goes, we are only interested in high-quality full-field cameras and not recordings of the FIRST feed.
As others have said internet can be had through smartphones and tethering. However you can easily set up a network at regionals with just one phone and sharing the connection through one computer and then with a switch to a few more. There may be lag present but it will work if your team has only one smartphone available.
Diagram of the setup:
Overall, this looks like an amazing solution for scouting and 2073 will definitely be using it at the Sacramento Regional.
Oh, that’s excellent.
I’m going to be annoying and ask more questions :P, but how does the system deal with inconsistencies in data? For example, if 30 people made data about team XXXX in match Z public, but some people say that they scored 6 triangle tubes and some people count 7. Is it some sort of average? Likewise, this scenario can be applied to some of the more qualitative responses. Do it take the most popular response?
- Sunny
Could I have my team (Mechanical Mayhem, #1519) added to the team list? I signed up, but currently have “No Team” association… Thanks a bunch!
We really love our own team’s scouting database, but this system provides interesting opportunities… It certainly is high-quality and tracks most of the same data we do!
I like the idea to store video most! I will do my best to take video of all the matches of Granite State this weekend - the only good video in my opinion is full-field high-quality video! Do you think I should try to get the drivers’ station (HP, more importantly) in view too? To give you video, should we just separate the video into individual matches? I wish tba would allow users to upload video (or link to youtube)… will you be doing that or having people send video to you? If people do it by themselves there is a concern with uploading spam or linking to random youtube videos… although with an account “misconduct” could be tracked and removed with relative ease.
Great job, 254! I’m sure this will help dozens of team have a good scouting system and likely be as valuable a repository as tba for all teams!
Qualitative: It takes the most popular response.
Quantitative: It breaks down the data scouted into matches. For each match, it averages the data to get a score for that match. This score gets averaged with the scores for all the other matches to get an overall score.
You can sign up your team here.
Yes, it would need to be split up into matches. If you are serious about uploading video to the system, PM or email me.
I’m definitely very interested in using this system with my team at Peachtree, but I have a question.
How are matches entered into the system so they are available to scout. Is this done automatically based on a scrape of the FIRST webpage or is it being done manually? Is allowing teams to do the entry a possibility?
I have noticed from afar some issues with Peachtree data getting posted on FIRST’s pages in a timely manner over the past couple years and I want to make sure we don’t commit to this system then get stuck not being able to enter matches because the schedule doesn’t post properly.
There is also a chance I will be trying to set up my camera to take full field video. I’ll contact you if it looks like I will be doing so.
Every time I see this thread on the portal I think: sweet! the cheesy poof unveling!
Heavy sigh.
The scouting program looks good. I’m VERY glad it’s on the web and not some device’s app system where you can’t get to it if you don’t own the hardware. We may use it next year, but this year we have a girl who has her own system of scouting that was proven to work well for us last year. She graduates this year though.
The system scrapes the FIRST webpage every 60 seconds to update match schedules/scores/etc. Manual input is possible but we’d rather not mess with it while the FIRST scraping script is running unless there’s a serious issue as to prevent input of conflicting data.
What’s not getting posted on the FIRST site? The qualification match schedule? If this is the case, we might be able to pause the script and do manual input on Thursday night.
In at least one of the last few years I know nothing at all got posted for Peachtree for at least a week after the event because I was looking for it for Fantasy FIRST. I’m hoping issues like that have been ironed out as the current FMS matures, but I wanted to make sure there was a backup plan if it becomes an issue.
It sounds like if push comes to shove and a backup plan is required there is a way to get things done so I can now move forward with our plan to use the system.
Thanks a ton to you Nick and the rest of 254 for developing and sharing the system and taking the time to answer our questions about it here.
Personally I’d like to see you upload them to youtube.
It would help to make the videos more universally available.
Also on another note, the FMS posts to the FRCFMS twitter feed. This may be easier to parse than the first website. Also the data is more current… a friendly tip from a competitor
The 2395 signed up as soon as this was posted! We are very excited about using your software this season.
Any chance the OK regional will be posted soon?
Also, I’ve been poking around a bit and am having difficulty finding the “test match” you mentioned earlier, where on the site is this located?
Anyone know if Sovereign Bank Arena has added wifi? Last time I was attended the NJ regional, there weren’t any internet options. I wanted to give this a brief test on Saturday, but don’t have a smartphone to tether my laptop.