Our tray will be angled and reach max height when scissor jack is raised and collect balls from the belt when lowered.
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I like this robot, from its looks to the cool scissor lift strategy, it is a awesome robot. I hope you feel proud.
Can’t have a good bot without Tux
Thanks. The scissor lift was angled after this to help the balls fall out into the trailer without jamming. The lift could easily hold 9 balls, giving us a two part scoring system. With the jack down we could scour the floor for as many balls as possible, then lift the jack when in scoring position, usually by momentarily pining an opponents trailer.
The electronics are missing from the photo, they all fit under the conveyor pan.
This was only our second year at FRC, and we have no professional engineers as mentors so we were really proud of what we accomplished.
The two things we would change is a faster belt for the ball lift, and switch the orientation, wider instead of longer. Easier to pick up the balls and we would be more on top of our opponents trailer when dumping, more balls would go in. Steering might also have been improved.