pic: 2791 Teaser


Not a far stretch, but what am I?

She’s a wi(n)ch!*

*She turned me into a newt! … I got better. :rolleyes:

This looks awfully familiar…

Looks like a very simple arm gearbox… Where did you source those blue gears from? Are they steel, aluminum or titanium? Also I believe you just should get the off the shelf andymark encoder mount as you would save the resources and time and its cheap. Also if that is a CIM, I would work on your modeling skills or just download the right file::rtm:: . Chow out.

Well if Chris Pinecone’s facebook posts are any indication, that’s a winch to pull your arm down. :stuck_out_tongue:
I cheated.

You could at least let other people guess first before giving it away. :rolleyes: Not everyone has the privilege of being Chris’ friend.