pic: 295 teaser

this is Renevatio’s first teaser of the season, what could it be?

I would say that it is an exploded can of “great stuff”.

ya id guess that also. It looks cool though :stuck_out_tongue:

My next door neighbor had a can explode in his garage, we spent all day cleaning it off of his two cars. Not much fun.

More of the story, don’t store the stuff. Buy in new if you need it. If you have too store it, put it in a container that will contain the foam in event of failure (or don’t keep your car in the garage)

I dont think this is a teaser for their robot . . 295 mentors watch out for your cars.

Is this a “teaser” or an improperly stored aerosol container?


maybe its more along the lines of what its bieng used for…

We’ve used foam before to fill up rollers and such and even molded the foam to create custom rollers. The pourable kind works really well, we use stuff called Smooth-on. I loves ma foam.

Curious to find out what you guys are up to. Good luck with it!

Some of the most wonderfull stuff in the world…

It reminds me of how marshmallows get all gooey like that when you toast them and pull off the outside toasty layer… it makes me want to eat it. (Maybe I’m going on this track because I’m hungry?) Anyway, if you do make a marshmallow robot, that would be pretty sweet.

2 part expanding foam and composites make a nice OREO cookie. We have use 2LB 2 part foam for years on parts of the robot. Warning the can foam relies on a moisture cure. If you’re using foam to fill a tube or deep sealed space you need the 2 part stuff. With 2 part, measure out the 2 liquids. pour one into the other and stir real fast. You have about 30 sec to start pouring.

Your going to fill the Moon rocks with that to make them easier to handle? Which probably breaks multiple rules.

Thats what our brains are going to look like in week 6.

Also a candidate for the Metropolitan Museum of Art Modern Collections.
You might qualify for an art grant and raise $.:smiley:

it is an exploded can of great stuff leaning against their frame

Yes yes yes.

Even more so during week 1 regionals. :smiley: