This is just sick. I’ve admired these products since they were put on the market, but never gotten to use them. If you cut a pattern in the Colsons like GUS 228 does, I don’t think there is any wheels better for FRC.
This no doubt has been my favorite drive we have ever created, and our first season custom build. The combination of COTS products and machined parts created one sick drive. Cutting a thread pattern into the Colsons was not something we really wanted to do, do you have any instructions on how to do this quickly and efficiently?
Also a little driving fun:
Drive looks awesome. Is it just me, or does it drift just a bit when driving ‘straight?’ A prototype that I worked on last season had a similar problem and we found that one of the wheels was misaligned. (Oddly enough, colsons have a distinct way of drifting to one side it seems)
Check out this picture:
That’s how 228 has cut the grooves into their wheels, looks pretty straightforward.
You are actually dead on with that question, current it does drift a bit right when I throw both sticks all the way forward. What do you mean by a wheel being misaligned? Did you bother with any fix or did your drivers just get used to it?
That… looks almost kinda sketchy lol. We do have almost the same saw will mention that to the team.