pic: 3666 mockup pit design

This is what we’re planning for Lone Star. Any thoughts?

I always love looking at other peoples pits. I wish everyone was lucky enough to get donated pits like ours. If you’ve never seen them here they are.

You may want to move the taller shelves back, your pits will look a bit more welcoming and you won’t feel so boxed in. Even though i’m being a hippocrat because our pits make me feel boxed in with the white boards all around. But still consider it.

Would you have these for this years competitions or next year? In 2011 we designed and built these pits in offseason, it took us quiet a while to finish them, but the work was well worth it!

This will be for this year’s competition. Finishing it all this week for our week 2 event.

I see what you’re saying about the shelves. Depending on the “back table” we get at Lone Star, we might change some stuff around.

We are very grateful for our sponsor to let us come build our robot cart and final table next week. Maybe they’ll powder coat the cart for us. We ran out of time for our competition robot :frowning:

Where will you work on the robot? On the cart or on the pit floor?