pic: 399 on the Move With a Full Load

Man, look at that hideous orange and purple color scheme… :rolleyes: (not gonna let looking forward live that down) It even won us an imagery award!

We have some improvements planned for Denver! Hope you’re all ready.

Improvements are bad news for Denver teams. This was a very impressive bot as is, going toe to toe with 973 in some very heated matches.

very impressive bot!
im proud to say i was on an alliance with you guys and 1388.

It’s just too bad we couldnt pull it off. Good luck to you guys in Denver… Depending on how things go for you guys and us, maybe we will see you in Atlanta!

swapping the lone 545 on the exhaust for something more beefy?

I’d suggest two 545’s and two FPs :smiley:

At least a FP :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: maybeee we’ll add a second one, I dunno about that though. We like having batterys last three matches =)

You guys were a great team to work with, your defense was key to our strategy. Unfortunately we lost it by a couple of moon balls, thats the way things go.

Denver here we come!

One of the even more interesting item about the photo is how full the trailer was at the time. I think there was only one or two matches where we see 399 with a lot of balls inside their trailer.

You guys did great! You were definitly one of the most chalanging matches at LA. i honestly didnt think we could win.
By the Way: Your robots color scheme is fine with me. Its a beautiful looking robot.

Good luck in denver, you gotta make it to champs.

What about a CIM on the exhaust? It’s a good excuse to buy more batteries, we went through all of the LA elims without reusing a single battery :smiley:

As is ours… As is ours…

Some of us east coasters here in South Carolina like Orange and Purple (not Billfred). I happen to have a car with that color scheme:) I definately like the power dumper.

Adam you want me to throw a -CIM- up there?!? you’re crazy.

I dunno if we have the structure up there to support that :wink:

It’ll be a FP at least though! Don’t worry. Haha.