pic: 3D printed camera mount

Do you have the CAD files for this so we can print some for our own team?

Hi Estpet71457,

As someone has mentioned, do you have the files of this or drawing? I would also like to see drawings for the rest of your robot if you have some. It seems like most people on here just post photos of the finished product but I would really like to see some more detail of what teams really plan out. Unless you guys are hack and slash but that’s how you end up putting holes in walls that don’t line up!

Best Regards,

Hi Estpet71457,

I would also be interested in obtaining CAD for this as well. Finding ways to mounts cameras is not easy in FRC. If you would like you could PM me the file. Team 4130 would greatly appreciate it!

For those looking for CAD for this type of thing we have a list of all the mounts we have found here: http://findrobotparts.com/3d/mounts/categories/176/tags/2256

If you post the CAD for this we will gladly add it to the list.

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