A sure best bet for UTC it seems to me… looks very reliable and just look at the focus and concentration on that HP he looks like he could make 100-100 giving 33’s a run for his money… but that it a completly UNBIAS oppinion of course!!! :rolleyes:
Can you hang? How is your small ball herdage?
Though we are unable to hang we are capable of getting the small balls necesary to win in those close matches (as you know many are seperated by only a ball or two while attending BAE) through controling 2-3 balls in our front cut out showing them in and racing off for more as the result of using two Atwoods motors with a 17.1:1 ratio, or grabbing onto the goal and swinging it like a bat to get a lot of balls in our vacinity fast thanks to our fast and sharp turning radius.