pic: 571 Capping the Top Row


Is that a logo on the wall… or just a really freakin’ big sprocket.

That looks alot like your 2004 bot (which was awesome, by the way ;)).

Are you using it for prototyping?

If you squint, you can see chain running from what looks like the old van door motor to the edges of the huge circle, so I’m going with freakin’ big sprocket. That thing is even bigger than the 96-tooth that IFI sells, which is “only” 11.7 inches across. Crazy.

Yea, its a really big spool. I think it was cord or steel cable that connected the Van Door to that “pulley (?).”

Assuming this is their 04 bot (or one similar to it), its a really big pulley.


It is their 2004 robot, I can’t forget it. It was just so freaking awesome… and right next to us in Atlanta.

Yup, that’s 2004, not 2007… we actually just bolted the chassis together yesterday :yikes:

We modified the 2004 claw for the tubes with one of many prototype grabbers. There a few more pictures on our team website:
