From inventor to reality… yes, sometimes it DOES work-out that way! See us in action at NATIONALS in CURIE
It looks like there’s a hook in between the two ‘hands.’ Can you do the chinup?
nope…no hook, i think your just looking at the bench leg as if it were part of our bot
can you guys get up on the platform easily with those 9"ers?
how easy is to turn with those too?
oh haha yea i see where you could ofmisinterpreted that… nope i had no intention to do any working out on the bar. You see, the felxing of muscles in our robot isn;t in the arm, but in the insanly robust and powerful drivetrain we have. True, we aren’t the scorers, but the design’s intent was more defense oriented (preventing others from hanging on the bar is just as vital as hanging oneself). the designed low CG also would make it hard to tilt the base off the floor without a weighty motor and gear reduction.
Not very easy, even with both the chips and drills… thursday we are going to switch our sprockets to make for a little more torque (the gearing is a little too high).
umm…ok which q did u answer?
haha sry, the turning… we don’t go up onto the platform actually, we have no reason too because we aren’t going on the bar… We went with the large wheels because it’s a great way to increase the speed and they give us a nice surface when going up the steps (make’s it easier to reach the static goal).