how big is your robot
where will the kicker go? lol
This robot looks TINY!! How big is it… it looks like those mecanum wheels could fit in the palm of my hand… and aren’t they just the cutiest wittle mecanum wheels youd ever seen!?
It doesnt look like you are going to have a kicker. Or maybe im just looking at it wrong
heh…it’ll have plenty of kick!
I hope it isn’t too tippy with the small wheelbase and width. I know it’s not designed to go over the bumps, but I wonder how it will fare with other robots pushing on it?
It looks like 2 kickers, front and back. What is the device sticking out of the lower side?
This robot looks TINY!! How big is it… it looks like those mecanum wheels could fit in the palm of my hand.
It appears the wheels are 6" AM Mecanums, being that they’re supported by similar-sized toughboxes and cantilevered in a similar manner to what we are doing. At first I was concerned about accessibility for maintenance, yet now I believe they can access everything within those fiberglass walls via the underbelly. The holes are for pneumatic actuation, which should allow them to kick with their publicized YouTube method. The mecanums wheels should allow them to efficiently kick on all 4 sides of the bot, and being that there is 1 hole on each side, I presume that’s their strategy.
Great overall design! I especially love how the bumpers are supported, and how what appears to be hanging mechanism supports mount directly to the main bottom frame.
If people have been watching their videos and reading the other threads, then you would know that they have kickers on all 4 sides, powered by pneumatics with an elastic assist.
Not all of us have the time to read everything :rolleyes:
So you are not planning on a way to “posess” the ball? You are just pushing and kicking it?
37.5in by 27.5
We will have a roller with some kind of mild adhesive on it or something of that sort. The roller will roll the ball toward the robot frame. There will be on roller on each side individually controlled to prevent holding more than one ball.
Could not have descried it better… Thanks
We hope that the mechnam wheel will just slide when we get hit and hopefully not tip (most the heavy stuff will be towards the bottom)… but if it does we hope we can use our kickers to tip us back over. That will be a funny site…
Speaking of flipping, is it a penalty if you do flip? Seeing that your bumper are out of the allow bumper zone?
we will, check it out -