This is a great picture of myself (David Givens) and the Captain of 1071, Kyle Twarog (Rogue9 on the Forum). This picture was taken in late may at our School’s Board of Education meeting where Kyle and I presented the robot, the team, and the overview of our season that led to achieving regional finalist.
Kyle has been a huge asset to 1071, and under his leadership he’s brought many reforms and practices to our team that has brought us to new levels in so many ways. For those who frequent the Connecticut Regional, Kyle has been a member of Drive Team for the past 3 years, and chances are if you’ve done any talking with our teams at en event, you’ve probably talked to Kyle. This presentation is one of Kyle’s last events as Captain of 1071 before his graduation later this year. He’ll be attending the University of Connecticut in the fall to attain a Duel BS/MS for Mechanical Engineering.
Kyle is by far the person I probably talk to and work with the most on our team, and many can say no other duo of members on our team are constantly in contact with each other on team affairs. I can tell you we always had several formal meeting a week during build season, and in the weeks leading up to the Connecticut Regional, it seemed every day I was either on the phone or sending an e-mail to him. I owe him alot of thanks, if it wasn’t for his support and guidance, I wouldn’t be able to grow my team’s PR Department to what it is.
So in closing, I just wanted to give a quick shout-out to Kyle for all he’s done for MAX, and everyone wishes you the best of luck in your future endeavors.