pic: "Aim, well... kinda High" GDC

This is the group that got together in the aftermath of the massive field-flooding that stopped the games on Friday. The "2006.5 Unofficial Game Design Committee" met for about 3 hours in the volunteer lounge and consisted of input from many teams to help design a game that could work with the small area available (where the pits originally were in the cafeteria, low clearance, too small for a normal field) to allow the competition to continue on Saturday. The game was a complete success, and the "Death Ramps" were welcomed by the teams as a new challenge.

Thank you to everybody that joined in with this, it couldn't have been done without you. Easily one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had in that room. From some incredibly radical ideas to very simple ideas, going through the process of trying to create an enjoyable game for everybody definitly is an incredible challenge.