Pic and Video Team 343 Metal In Motion

Click this link: www.gilhug.com for viewing the 2009 Metal In Motion robot “Skwid.” The video is from the Upstate South Carolina Warm-up and features other teams from North and South Carolina. Link: www.gilhug.com
All teams had excellent machines and this season should be exciting for each and every team that competes.
Good luck to everyone this season.

gil, gil, gil… tsk tsk… dont you know that our robot doesn’t look like that anymore? ga! you’re ruining the surprise! :cool:

showing a video is my job this evening

Couple quick questions:

Were these regular match formats, or extened timeframe (open skate?) formats?

A couple of time your team had a ton of balls in its trailer. What was scoring on you? Shooters? Dumpers? Payload Specialists?

Also, it looked as though this was a complete free for all (seemed like you guys were trying to score on partners based off of the pole pink over green colors). Was I seeing things, or am I missing something?

Thanks for any and all answers in advance.

It was a “free skate” we just ran until it was time to change a battery, and then ran some more. Like CZiggy said, things were redesigned this weekend. Gil, it’s Skwid, not Squid:)

Oh! It was just a free-for-all. The Upstate Warm-up is designed to give teams a chance to test their machine, and various driver/operator teams a chance to get a “feel” for what it is like to play on a full scale field. It is very informal and the majority of the video clips were not from a formal scrimmage. I left before the practice competition events.
The reason you are seeing so many balls flying is because any team “shooter” is encouraged to practice their shot in any goal. So, everyone was shooting at eveyone elses basket.
The Warm-Up had 12 teams participating that day, and it was fun. All of us learned a lot.
Thanks for the inquiry. Good luck to your team this year.:slight_smile:

On! Goodness - SKWID.:ahh: Ok, got it. It may be a little tough editing the video, but I will use the proper name in all future posts.
Cziggy…remember, I am a spy and I got my shotz.
Now, let me see…who owes me money? :smiley:

i dont owe you any money, so take that junk outta here! :smiley:

so you retire and you’re a spy now? thaaaanks, glad you can just turn us in like that:p

Since another team member has posted a much better video of the MiM machine, I have removed my “Upstate Warm-up” video in favor of his. You can see a similar video featurning all of the Upstate NC/SC machines by review the posting from Team 1293 found in this thread.
Good luck to all teams this year.

Gil, I liked the Video. It shows how much you can change a Robot in 24 hours with a team effort. I’m sure that Ziggy was referring to how bad the shooter worked during the scrimmage and not your Video skills. Hey It took me ten years to sign up on here… I’ve just been lurking in the back ground and it took this to get me to talking here.

You have been a key component to Metal in Motion’s success though-out our history. You presents was misted by all of us old timers this season. It was great seeing you and Mike B. this weekend. Felt like old times. Take Care!:slight_smile:

Hey, Duane:
Thanks for the comments about the video. Cziggy has a great video in his “Official Unveiling of Team 343” post.
I look forward to seeing our regional action and will be bringing plenty of friends. Oh! Duane, it is good to have you on Chief Delphi.
Good luck to all teams this year.

I am so glad you guys got rid of the shooter and moved to the power dumper. That skid steering is going to be fun to work with.

That “Skwid” steering… It is fun to watch Ziggy handle that thing. Looks like a robot doing the waltz.:wink:

thanks josh, good to know that i can make a robot dance :smiley:

Team 342 moto; “sure your robot can score, but can it dance?”

Ah, so your robot **can **dance then!

so i have been told :smiley: