pic: Atlanta? I thought you said ship the robot to Atlantis!

Yeah… certan teammates coughBETAVERSIONcough have WAY too much time on their hands.

very cool photoshoping now :slight_smile:

an underwater robot challenge that’ll fun

i think it’s scaring away all the fish though :stuck_out_tongue:

Finally, A FIRST water game! :smiley:

and if the air leaks out of the pnuematics we’ll have another first in FIRST…hydraulics. :stuck_out_tongue:

thats cool. i would have never thought to do something like that. now thats putting your mind to some creative use.

That’s pretty hot. I definitely wanted to do something like that, but yeah, I’m uncreative. I really like how it blends into the background. How’d you do it?

well one of our parent mentors last year did something like this every time it got shiped. Once it was Mars, then a freight ship, and I forget the third one. It’s not like he has nothing to do IN photoshop, but he always finds reasons to NOT do them…

After multiple requests on how this picture was done i’ve decided to try and post a simplified (as in its actually a little more complicated) process for how it was done.
I created this picture by:

  1. cutting out our Robot

  2. getting an underwater picture

  3. placing robot on picture

  4. cutting out an even, plain part of the water pic. (the featurless left hand corner)
    5.putting this on the robot (a complicated task that calls for sub-points)

  5. expanding featurless peice.
    2. Creating a duplicate robot
    3. Making this duplicate completely black
    4. bonding it over a green square.
    5. cutting out the black, leaving a green “stencil”
    6. bonding this stencil over the featurless blue piece
    7. taking away the black
    8. leaving me with a perfectly shaped piece of water

  6. placing the water piece over the robot

  7. Modifying the lighting and coloration of the robot to make it look like its underwater

  8. cutting out a duplicate tail fin of the shark

  9. placing the tail fin over the robot.

  10. If you could follow that you deserve a prize
    I unfortunately do not have photoshop, but some dinky old microsoft rip-off called photodraw.

If you know of a better way to do something like this let me know

I’d like to make another, but I dont know where to put the robot

i got excited over getting the instructions how to do this…and then remembered i’d only have microsoft paint to work with x_x…my photodraw expired so i can’t use anything that’s somewhat sophisticated (although i argue that microsoft paint is VERY sophisticated…)

HAHAHAHA! Well done! I am deffinately saving that picture.

so can it find the vision tetra underwater too??? does the blue water confuse the camera?

Someone has probably made this mistake :rolleyes:

and probably it back to the school saying that “this place is not our shipping list”

-_-; even I would be distracted by the blue watter

So BetaVersion, like how I made you an overnight photoshop star? :stuck_out_tongue:

With the exception that he didn’t use photoshop…

Well, in the end it’s the same thing… although a lot more ghetto…

exactly right, we a have a ghetto-fabulous submarine robot thats been shipped to Atlantis. :cool: