I went to Alaska to fly fish for 6 days. It was the best and most unique vacation I have ever been on. At the beginning of the day we would eat breakfast and then hop in a float plane, fly between 30 and 100 miles, land on a lake or wide river, get in a boat, pull in up to shore down the stream, and fish for 6-7 hours. Then fly back, and eat dinner and sleep or play pool.
This is a Rainbow Trout I caught on the very last day. If you know anything about fishing, you know that this fish is outragously gianormous. The fish in 28 inches; a state record in almost every state of the lower 48, but in this stream; it was almost common.
The fish size we averaged was about 18-21 inches. Some days we fished for Coho Salmon, called silvers; Dolly Varden, which are similar to char; or even for the trout seen here.