pic: Broken Light


We fried our light so I opened it up with a dremel to see if we can fix it looks pretty impossible our advisor is going to be pissed in the morning

If it was useless before, it’s even more useless now :smiley:
I’m sure they’ll have spares at the regionals, don’t worry.

We fried our light so I opened it up with a dremel to see if we can fix it looks pretty impossible our advisor is going to be pissed in the morning

It kinda looks like the circuit board inside the flashy magnetic body jewelry they sell at the carnivals and parades for like 5 bucks a pop.

Interesting. I would of thought there was an actual bulb in there with how big the housing is, but I guess it’s just a nice LED cluster.


Hopefully they resupplied the spare parts carts with the new stuff. This is one of those things that they provide, IIRC.

How did you fry it?

Our electrician decided to test it by hooking it strait to one of our main batteries… Note to teams not a good idea.

I think the warranty is voided now, im not sure though, quick grab the epoxy we can rebuild him, make him stronger than before

The light is ~$50, believe it or not. :ahh:

I love AB.:yikes:

That should not have killed it.

Ours got fried too - we don’t know what happened to it but it is now very dim. Like we have to take it to a dark room to see it dim.

As I remember, the old team led clusters operated at 12 volts. Therefore, plugging the light into the team LED outs means that the new diagnostic light is also meant for 12 volts, and the main battery really couldn’t have hurt it.

I think your mentor will be pissed for a different reason.

Truly a throwback to the revolving light.

(sorry, it had to be said)


We had that same exact problem. We saw the price for another one and so I had to spend about a couple of hours figuring out what made it dimmer. Turned out, some of the metal shavings from all the holes the team kept drilling into the bot, got into where the relay sits - cleaned it out and now the light became operational again.