pic: Broken RC

This is what remains of 1529’s RC after a bad mishap. It smelled very bad, trust me.

As unfortunate as this episode is, with the destruction of your controller, what is the story leading up to the event? Are there any photos taken of the controller while it is still in the robot?

This can be turned into a great teaching tool of what NOT to do in the layout of your electronics, if indeed it was a design flaw that allowed the falure.

Yep, there’s a back story.

its fixable just add magic smoke.
if magic smoke doesnt work or you can not find any try blinker fluid.

I feel special… I saw this photo on the smart phone that took it. :smiley:

It’s so warped, it looks photoshoped… 10 points! :ahh:


I saw it in the pits. It’s pretty nasty, started to effect the back side of the board.

According to the pit people, the battery common terminal came in contact with the analog input pins. Needless to say, low impedance to battery common can cause some serious currents to flow. After the long walk back to the pit, the plastic was still soft.
Thanks Kyle for taking me over to see it.

Here are some pics. I will add more here as they come in from the rest of our team.


It was so warped, it looked Photoshopped IN PERSON!

Since it’s already got 2 considerably sized holes in it, why not drill out the holes all the way through, & turn it into a mask for Halloween in a few months??

You’ll be the coolest (if not the geekiest) kid on the block!!! :smiley:

I mean, either that, or you could send it back to IFI to do some analyzing tests on it, so they can improve their designs or something along those lines, but where’s the real fun in that unless you actually work as a test engineer for IFI? :stuck_out_tongue:

Only if you can get over the smell!