pic: Cookies


I made some cookies, and when I took them off the pan, look what happened. : )

Mmmmmm… that looks good, thats some tasty organization.

are those chocolate chip? :smiley:

You bet! I was actually making them for TechnoKat’s annual New Year fund raiser. Basically we sell cookies and hot chocolate to the people who come to see our ball drop.

i doont mean to be rude:D … but lol they look abit green:eek:

Mmmmm! Green cookies!:smiley:

Chocolate chip in any color are still the best!!!

Trick is to sell more than you eat…

Wouldn’t work around here.

haha that looks awsome man!

Does anyone have any milk?

I wonder if FIRST could take action against unauthorized duplication of the logo in cookies? And would you go to jail for eating the evidence?? (Boy, am I glad I did not go to law school!)

Yum! Cookies! AH! Logo rules violation! :rolleyes:

It’s not so much the fact the graphic made out of tasty morsels, but more that your using part of the official logo (the text) without the rest (graphic). I know becuase the fact the S and T are so close together bugs me enormously. :wink: That is however, the tastiest FIRST logo I have ever seen. goes to find some cookie dough

I noticed that. I guess it was just the camera that made them look like that.

Close but first I have to get the cookies past my family and out of the house!:smiley:

Well, they now no longer have the evidence that those cookies exist! :smiley: