The very animated NASA Program Executive for Solar Systems Exploration, Dave Lavery, animates himself in the landing and role of the rovers Spirit & Opportunity on Mars, addressing the Southern California Regional FIRST audience at the LA Sports Arena, Friday, March 26th.
Poor referee in the background. It looks like he’s been following Dave around the country, listening to the saaame speech eeevery weekend. I almost hope no one knows who he is, so he can remain anonymous.
Good to see that Dave developed a better taste in Hawaiian shirts…
Pheww! For a second there I thought he was looking through his two fingers at the people looking at the screen saying “I crush you.”
(Obscure KITH reference)
Yeah that was funny. I was there and another good one was when he used his hand as one of the rovers entering Mars and he used a lighter as all the fire around it.
“Dave says, That’s PIMP!”
I’ve gotta get one of the buttons that says that, with him wearing a pimp suit. It’s too cool!
I personally love the shot of him trying to like the mike on fire, like a flaming rover. That’s Dave for ya.
gee, that shirt looks strangely familiar
the best part about dave’s speech at the chesapeake regional was either the 2x ball as an explanation to the mars rover landing (and bounce and bounce and bounce ball slows…dave bounces again and bounce and bounce…) or when he climed into the mobile goal and said “but we’re in a hole”
I hear " See you on Mars " but I see screams " See you in Hawaii "
Sorta looks like he’s defying gravity and standing on the pole… Hence the title? :-p
LOL, his story was very entertaining. I was laughing the whole time…then again, I am blonde…
We love you Dave, thrilled that you came to the SoCal regional!!!
“Bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce…and then we bounce some more,”
Dave’s “speech” at SVR, which sounds very similar to this one was extremely funny and inspirational. I usually find myself wondering what boring speaker will talk during the opening ceremonies, but hearing Dave speak is always something I look forward to.
Who/where did u get that button from. I loved that picture, i was shocked when i saw it up o nthe big screen
oh… btw that was the best guest speech i have heard in the last three years ( i’m talking about Dave’s speech at Annapolis on Friday) , Thanx Dave.