Dave offers Shamu a Krispy Kreme in the "This Is Shamu Show" at Seaworld.
This picture is an obvious fake because we all know Dave would never waste a Krispy Kreme on an endangered species…
Dave offers Shamu a Krispy Kreme in the "This Is Shamu Show" at Seaworld.
This picture is an obvious fake because we all know Dave would never waste a Krispy Kreme on an endangered species…
im sorry my firend but your wronge killer whales are not endangerd…
Thats not entirely true…
Overall they are not endangered…yet… they are coming awfully close…
Some countries in the world have already declared them endangered in their areas where they used to flourish
Gee- thanks for correcting me- I thought I was just making a joke.
Yeah, f’real. If he hadn’t said that, I would have thought what you said was funny.
(I think it’s funny, anyway.)
i say thats pimp!
This picture is the “smoking gun” that revealed the well kept secret of Dave’s Hawaiian shirts.
This picture is clear proud that Dave works in Sea World Orlando during the summer months (not designing FIRST games in Manchester) and he gets his Hawaiian shirts for free when he works at the Sea World’s Makahiki Luau Dinner and Show.
PS- If I do NOT post again for the next 2 weeks, I must been caught by “you know who” and forced into hard labor cleaning his army of MARS Rovers.
(see attached secret photo) :ahh:
Those hawaiian shirts are Team 25’s uniform. Atlast, Dave has liked our taste of hawaiian shirts and is making good use of them
i’m surprised it didn’t bite him for wearing that tacky shirt!
(thats my team shirt)
Oh, great. Heidi has a friend. Now I am really in trouble…
It is not fake.
One of the students snapped this shot after about 5 hours of assembling the 24 Lego Mars Rovers for our state FLL Competition. (We never saw that student step foot in the Lego Lab again)
Hey Rich while your buffing Daves Rovers you mind stopping by and cleaning the car for me. lol Besides you had nothing doing anyway. Not like you’re in a rush to build robots or were u.
Hrm 24 Lego Rovers in 5 hrs. I say we step it up to 10 Rovers in 6 Weeks (Programmed and Running 100%) It must’nt fall apart either. Weight = 50 - 100lbs.
Good job, you’ve even gotten a really good match of the quality of both pictures, almost the same amount of graininess and the colors are close… And you’ve kept in an element of suspense… if Shamu continues on course, that back flipper is going to wack right into Dave’s backside…
new friends always welcomed
Thankyou- the donut is pretty bad but I deliberately screwed up the graininess to make Dave’s pic try to fit the Seaworld promo pic. The lighting is a little off too. Surprisingly, all over the web I couldn’t find a pic of a whale leaping up to a trainer’s hand.
This whole “dub in Dave” episode started when we saw the pic of him in the team 25 shirt we gave him at Annapolis. Team 25 chooses a new Hawaiian shirt pattern each year to commemorate the season. The idea originally started as a positive motivation for the team to work for a trip to the Nationals in Florida. Now we are best buddies with Royal Hawaiian Creations in Honolulu and have been getting shirts from them in quantity since 1999. We sell them as a fund raiser and generally make $1500-2000 annually for the kids’ travel accounts. We are honored that Dave will wear our colors as he did and we are putting him on our “shirt VIP” list from this year on.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who plays with Lego a little to much…
Hey! that’s my team number! :yikes: