pic: Dawgma 1712 NEW and IMPROVED Drivebase

After testing with the ball, we decided that we needed to be lower to the ground, which also helped our other potential problem: the center of gravity. This new drive train uses the kit gearbox on a 12.75:1 final ratio and is a 6wd with the center wheel dropped 1/8". Estimates from our calculations guru say this baby will move at about 8.9fps.

(p.s. that is not this years electronics board, we decided to just use the '07 electronics to test the base, and are putting them back on once prototyping and a final design is decided upon.)

I like how your estimate has 3 sigfigs…

At least you kept the 80/20 :stuck_out_tongue:

Why do you have a bearing on the end of the ToughBox output shaft?

The reason behind that bearing is to support the load evenly along the whole shaft rather than side loading it. Also, it traps the sprockets on the shaft so there is no sided to side motion when they run.