pic: Dean Kamen, The Later Years

So i was driving to work this morning, and i saw this man, i just had to take a picture of him. I predict this is what Dean Kamen would look like if his businesses ever went under leaving him Hummer/Helicopter/Segwayless.

This guy has the denim look nailed!

I shall call him Hobo-Dean…

you didn’t take that WHILE you were driving did you? Cuz if you did, i might not drive near sw anymore…

40mph photography-- the only way to drive.

keep your digital cameras handy folks, never know when a moment like this might pop up!

i will never walk on a sidewalk again, and if i see you driving, i will go very fast the other way:D

Are you saying that Dean wouldn’t keep his segway?

Is that Professor Dumbledore??? In a denim outfit at that??? :smiley: Just kidding.

If that would be Dean Kamen in his later years, here’s what he’d have to do:

#1. He’d have to stop shaving and start growing that long beard.
#2. He’d have to stop curling his hair, and actually, go bald.

Now, if only we could ACTUALLY GET HIM to start looking like this… :rolleyes:

What do you think that is he’s working on? His next big invention I bet; going to make the big time… again!

That’s pretty good quality for moving. Either you have a good camera, or you’re a good photographer. I’m leaning more toward the camera… :smiley:

DIGITAL??? Boo Digital… Got to go with the SLR Film Camera. Like this one…which is mine! Some day I will get a digital, but not until the quality far surpasses the film.

Nice Picture though…maybe someone should give him a segway.

I agree!! SRL Film Cameras are best! They have a faster shoot and the quality is much much better if used correctly. They are best to shoot fast moving objects, for sports, for landscapes, for beauty shots … (everything) Just think about it this way … professional photographers prefer to use this rather than digital! :rolleyes:

But for a digital camera that was a really good shot!! :yikes:

And to make reference to the subject at hand … that’s the look of a man that has something big planned :wink: :cool: !! But maybe that just what I think!! :stuck_out_tongue:

You guys have got it all wrong. This actually IS Dean, but about 25 years older.

It looks like he has been caught by Tom, after time-travelling back from the year 2029. I presume that his transportation device is in that backpack.

The big question is: why would he travel back to this point in time? Is there something about to happen that puts our world on the brink of destruction?

Golly, Tom, you should’ve asked him what he was up to. You missed your chance to help save the world!

Andy B.

This explains a lot! I was trying to figure out why the compass in my car went crazy as i passed him… Must have been some sort of magnetic interferance from his time travel backpack.

Just so ya’ll know, he was thumbing his way west on I-84 just west of Hartford, CT (he was on the onramp at the time of the photo)… watch out New York City!


So Tom. What kind of digi-cam do you have that readies itself lightning fast. I need a new one cause mine takes about 5-10 seconds to open and turn on, and by then most of the “action” shots I want to take pictures of have already passed… DOH!!!
Should I be on the loookout too? I live along 84 West of Hartford. lol

Oh, and is this the first pic from the the new “get out in the sun and take pictures of FIRST related things” game? :rolleyes:

the game has begun! lol also Andy B. good analysis of the situation. lol this could be a bad thing :ahh: i will be on the look out for him since i live along 84 west of Hartford. i will have my camera ready if i see him! :smiley: Hope i have such skill as to take a picture and drive at the same time! lol :yikes:

I usually keep one of my digital cameras in my car or on me as much as possible. It makes great occasions to take pics like these if I see something out of the ordinary or that makes me think of something. Interesting thought Tom.

Maybe 2005’s game turned out to be a big disaster, hopefully he will save us in time.

Had the same camera. Had. Locker got broken into. That’s always fun.

Hey—at least the miscreants had good taste in what to steal!

I was thinking it looks more like Andy Baker after a few days on Survivor. eep. If it were Dean Kamen, he’d be inventing things to greatly increase the standard of living for hobos. Insta-homes, just add water. Perhaps some good use of that invention that can turn urin into drinkable water. Hope there aren’t any aftertastes.

On a sidenote, I hope we aren’t being a bit tacky. Now I feel bad.