Let me just say these things look even cooler in person. With the cool glowyness that vending machines have and the big eye catching first logo!
Whoa, where is that located?
That was displayed at Dean’s house during the chairman’s dinner.
Hm, I wonder though, if the water will cost $1.25 like other brands… if so, I’m a bit disappointed.
This one was at Deans house, but they made it sound like they might actualy start using them out in the public like in place of your normal vending machine.
This one is fully loaded with FIRST Shasta water, and its free you just push a button and out comes FIRST water…
They should put free ones like these around at nats so we can stay fully hydrated!
Now Way they would get abused so much!
*Originally posted by monsieurcoffee *
**That was displayed at Dean’s house during the chairman’s dinner.Hm, I wonder though, if the water will cost $1.25 like other brands… if so, I’m a bit disappointed. **
Agh, $1.25 for a bottle of water? Must be a city thing… … … was there any mention of a possible release date for these machines from the local vendor companies?
I didn’t hear any official word…
But someone else might have talked to someone who knew.
At a local movie theatre they get away with charging $3 for a 20 oz. bottle. At school and usually around here in venfing machines it’s $1.
OMG! I loved the water machine. It is soo good to finally see the FIRST symbol instead of these football players and basketball players on the front of the coke machines. I cant wait to see these start to show up in other public places, it will be such a good feeling to know that I am part of this organization. I think this will really spread the word alot and help FIRST get more recognition if it IS released in the public.
What she said ^^^^
But i dont mind Ana Kornakova on the machines
hey…1.25 isnt half bad for a bottle here in canada… usually 1.50 at most vending machines CDN dollars… i guess it might be cheaper over there
355 ml can usually 1.00 or .75 at really cheap ones
$1.25 for water isn’t incredibly bad. You should try going to Europe. They have water with and without gas. If you want to buy soda, though, it’s $4-$5 (soda is an import).
The FIRST water could easily be a good promotion. Kinda like a TV add for a gas station. Most people don’t go to a gas station because of an advertisement, I know I don’t and nobody I know does. We go because it’s a decent price and have had good experiences or no experience.
So… you walk up to a new vending machine for water… you first think “Oooooh Shiney” Then take a look at the price. “Hmm… 75¢ ($1.00… $1.25… whatever it is) for a water… why not give it a try.” So you cough up the cash and chug down the liquid… and make a decision. “Hmm… snazzy. I’ll get another one later”
Then you tell your friends… “Hey I found a good priced water… at Joe’s Groceries SupaMarket” I don’t know what all of this “FIRST” stuff is… so you take a look at the website on the bottle.
What’s this done? Given the common person a decent thirst quencher without a corporate ad campaign bumping up the price. Promotes the organization by “word of mouth.”
School’s with FIRST teams could benifit too. My thought is to have the school’s =TEAM= (not the school itself) run the machine as a fundraiser. Many teams don’t have a lot of money, and this could get them probably up to $500 a season. Many schools don’t allow Soda Pop in a classroom, but almost all allow water.
It would be a good promotion and fundraiser for teams to run these machines at their schools and maybe around their communities.
hehe… I’d get one to have in my apartment to dispense FIRST water to myself
… word could be spread easily… add to college campuses, hospitals, and even industries for addition of sponsors and resources - in addition to expanding with schools.
*Originally posted by apk *
**It would be a good promotion and fundraiser for teams to run these machines at their schools and maybe around their communities. **
Then where do i sign?
*Originally posted by apk *
**It would be a good promotion and fundraiser for teams to run these machines at their schools and maybe around their communities. **
I would find anyway possible to get my school to use these! It’s well worth anything (within reason)…this would be a great promotion. They need these over at MIS (and w/ at the most the price being $1…if you got MIS, you’ll know).
I overheard one team talking (sorry, didn’t get their number), and apparently they have arranged with the shasta people to get one at their school. So yes Raven, I think you probably could get one of these at your school if you talked to shasta.
That man on the left is my next-door neighbor and friend to Team 236, Commander Vince Wilczynski of the USCG and Team 500. He’s such a wonderful guy, and a great supporter of F.I.R.S.T. GO CAPTAIN VINNY!!