pic: End Week 2 Prototype

Current prototype design of our robot chassis at the end of Week 2 of the 2015 build season. It’s not finished, but we’ve made quite a bit of progress so far.

The current estimated speed is 14 ft/s. We are still working on our slide drive programming.

Am I seeing your prototype correctly, to me it looks as though you have more than 6 CIM motors.

I see mini CIMs in there, and lots of omni wheels.

I’m not on this team, so I might be wrong.

There appears to be one minicim or a bag motor.

Oh, thank you, I thought they looked bigger than mini cims.

I think I see a lateral drive in there.:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

What is your reduction and estimated speed?

Our current estimated speed is 14 ft/s.