pic: Everyone Needs A Lil R&R

Sorry For The Blurryness Haha… But Dr. Kamen Also Needs Some Rest Too Haha

I was hoping someone caught this!

My dad ‘rested with his eyes closed’ at Monty for a little while. I was making fun of him and wanted to take a picture, but didn’t have my camera.

He told me if* I* put it on CD, he’d kill me.

Dont worry though, Ashley, I think you’re safe. :slight_smile:

Funny thing is… he is probably dreaming up some crazy invention that is going to determine the answer to life…

Hate to call you out on this, but…wrong Kamen.

This is Bart Kamen, Pediatric Oncologist, FIRST enthusiast/judge, and 1923 dad.

Although, I guess his job does have to do with the answer to life…
I think I’m gonna go ask him what he was dreaming about now…:slight_smile:

I don’t blame him for the confusion, with the blur at first glance he looks very similar. The all denim isn’t helping either:rolleyes:.

Ditto… they look very familiar and I, too, thought it was Dean.

He definitely does.

I TOLD him not to jack Dean’s style, 'cause people would mix him up with Dean, but noooooo… :stuck_out_tongue:

Neither is the fact that he has a segway parked next to him…Or that he has some what of a similar hair cut.

I didn’t see Dean on his Segway this year, but in years past his has had a leather case on the side. I haven’t seen Segway offer it as an option, nor have I seen it on any other Segway thus far, so it greatly reduces the chances of confusion.

Pictures, thanks to the wonders of CD-Media…


Sorry I don’t see the resemblance then again I think I have known Dean since '01 and met Bart in '02 not very long but long enough to tell the difference between the 2 =). Denim will never go out of fashion especially with Dean and Bart wearing it all the time =).

Haha. Hopefully know one knows who I am and where I live… that way I can’t get killed for doing this :rolleyes: But I think Libby will protect me haha. It’s not everyday you see Libby’s dad “resting” at a competition :smiley:

I didn’t even know Dean had a brother.:stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe the person who took the picture purposely blurred it so that it would be harder to tell.:wink:

looks around and whistles…
I like making things difficult =P

the belt isnt helping either. :stuck_out_tongue:

honestly, i dont care how tired someone is…i never even knew it was possible to sleep at a FIRST event :stuck_out_tongue:

then you haven’t seen the couches at championships…

nah…only the Toronto and Waterloo regionals

We have a picture somewhere of one of our freshmen sleeping on three or so stadium seats in the same row–who needs couches?