pic: EVERYTHING in the tube drive!

The ultimate pinnacle of “stuff in the tube” technology! ZERO space wasted by stuff that’s “outside the tube”

Weight: only 178.405 lbs!

It’s totally tubular!

What size tube is that?:stuck_out_tongue:

This gives new meaning to the box-on-wheels robot.

Dang, it’s a tube-in-a-tube drive! Very creative.
Always love to see you pushing the boundaries of FRC further! :smiley:

Nuff said

Sadly, bumper rules.

I’m assuming that that “tube” is actually a hollow extrusion itself? You could fit even more electronics inside of that then.

How are the tubes in the tube attached to the tube? Are there holes for the wheels? Where do the bumpers mount? :smiley:

I’ve seen this before…


177 did this in 2009 and it worked very smoothly for a one speed gearbox.

So I see we’re bringing back the sizing box.

It looks really similar to 971’s bot but I’m pretty sure it isn’t. Is that your offseason bot you posted the shooter CAD for?

It really looks like 971’s bot to me, what makes you think it isnt?

I don’t remember them having the metal plate on the shooter arms. Otherwise it looks really similar.

Its 971s lol I was just joking around. The reason you prob didn’t notice the plates was because there was cardboard there. Don’t now the reason for that though im just a guy who took their bot and put it in a box.