pic: FRC Team 2180 Zero Gravity 2014 Robot: Avalanche

Well, sorry for the delay on this. We’ve had a few interesting past couple of weeks, but finally it is time for us to reveal!

2014 Robot: Avalanche

Kitbot, 6WD Wide
4 CIMs on 2 Andymark Super Shifters (Low Speed: 6fps, High Speed: 16fps)

Mini CIM Driven
Three Wheels, Designed to intake ball at almost any angle of approach
Angled Orientation allows for assisting/scoring low w/o dropping arms
Extensions on top allow for ease of HP loading and catching

Shooter AKA (The Green and White Ring of Doom & Gracious Professionalism):
Multi - Stage Catapult, Force provided through 3/8" Solid Latex Banding
26" Bicycle Rim
Reload - Andymark Super Shifter w/ 1 CIM

Special Features:
Pivoting Upper Section, Allows us to take a look under the hood
LED Indicators around Bicycle Rim (To Be Installed)

Range: 5ft - 18ft

We’ll be competing in MAR at Chestnut Hill, Lenape, and Bridgewater!
Video will be ready by mid next week!

We had a great showing at Chestnut Hill! Here is some match video right from this past weekend:

Match 50 was right after we ironed out some of the problems we had been having all morning…

We walked away from this event Quarterfinalists thanks to our lovely alliance partners 433 & 1168 (It was a wild ride guys & gals!). And we also won the Excellence in Engineering Award for our “hood-like” upper frame and other subtle features in our robot!

We can’t wait for Lenape this weekend!!!