pic: FRC Team 5122 JVN Sharpshooter & Team

FIRST Robotics Team 5122 - The RobOTies

WPI Finalists
Ranked 25th in the New England District
3rd Seed Alliance at the Pine Tree Regional

A huge congratulations to your team on building such a great robot… particularly in your rookie year! I don’t recall the last New England rookie to be the pick/captain for one of the top 5 alliances twice in a season!

Best wishes on planning a trip to DCMP… and perhaps one to CMP!

Thanks Nathan,
I hope we attend so that the students can view the great robot designs at the event!:slight_smile:

I love a rookie team that has come up with a great unique name/theme (RoboTies) and backs it up with impressive on field performance.

I saw your robot on the field once, heard the name, saw the tshirts and you guys are now permanently affixed to my memory.

Congrats on a great rookie year thus far, see you in a few days in Boston!


And a congratulations on the Neutrons outstanding accomplishments-- 4 Blue banners wow!!!:slight_smile: