FRC558’s Robot in Eliminations at the Waterbury District 2017.
(This is after the team decided to remove the fuel intake, hopper and shooter components
See other image for updated robot design.
See other image for updated robot design.
Thats a cool gear intake. How well does it work? How well do you have to be aligned, for example?
The robot looks pretty dope.
I’ll be honest, my favorite part of this bot is the climber powered off the drivetrain. It was awesome to watch that bot climb.
So what’s your second drivetrain gonna look like this year?
Yeah Foss what’s it going to look like ???
I think we’ll have to wait another week or so to see if Brick 2.0 will be making an appearance.
The gear intake works pretty well, and held up to the abuse of the competition, one thing we like about this design was that it did not need plate contacting the floor. You are correct that the drivers had to be better aligned with this than with a horizontal roller and plate design.
The team does a massive change mid season once and everyone expects it to happen again.
I truly hope it makes the event in Hartford. I kept up my side of the challenge.
558 has made pretty considerable robot changes more than once…
I heard there’s a tattoo riding on you guys completing a massive redesign…looking forward to seeing the new robot (and tattoo) at Hartford.
Eric I can confirm that the inside of the bisep is a tender area!
I received a teaser photo of one small corner