pic: FTC 4977 Post-states

LANLords 4977 2012-2013 robot as we finished our season

Robot Specs:

  • 4 wheel coaxial swerve drive
  • Lexan ring bucket
  • Cascade linear elevator using COTS ball-bearing slides
  • Heavy ring detection through IR sensors (reading opacity), processed by a Teensy microcontroller which also drives the LED strip PWM

Eastern PA Qualifying Tournament: Finalist alliance 1nd pick
East Central PA Qualifying Tournament: Rockwell Collins Innovate Award
PA State Championship: 2 seed, undefeated in qualifying rounds, PTC Design Award Winner, finalist alliance captain, 2nd place Inspire Award

Major changes since we started the season: (see my post from the start of the season for comparison)

  • Dropped floor pickup in favor of bucket style loading
  • Rebuild swerve modules with waterjet cut pieces (Thanks Elixir Industries!)

Album with different angles here: http://imgur.com/a/jtVDl

We are also releasing our RobotC code for the bot on GitHub here: GitHub - FTCTeam4977/Robot2012-2013: Code for FTC 4977's 2012-2013 Robot, "The Black Box" to play "Ring it Up!" (still a bit messy from quickfixes at states)

Match videos:

Fun facts:

  • This is the first FTC coaxial swerve drive (as far as we know) - we started prototyping right after our 2011-2012 season.
  • This robot was built, designed, and programmed 100% by students. No mentor involvement at all, except for providing access to waterjet cutting.

FTC co-axle swerve?!? Thats freaking cool!!!