pic: FTC290 2011-2012 Mast

This was the mast one of our two FTC teams came up with for the 2011-2012 season.

It supports 2 crates, and with at least one ball in each can gain up to approximately 250 points, reaching up to about 95 inches.

I applaud the height, but…

Have you measured where the system’s center of gravity resides once the mast is extended (the system includes the two crates).

I suspect that an incidental bump from another robot or a bowling ball has a good chance of tipping the entire system onto its side. That would be a bad thing during a match.

Our team took the risk. The strategy was to lift the mast while you are in the safe zone and having the other arm all the way down to try and prevent that from happening.

Thats impressive. Any video of it driving around with the mast all the way up?

I wouldn’t be too worried about the stability, as long as you don’t move with the mast extended.

Good strategy.

I don’t think it would be too hard to attach some passive stablizers which flip out when the arm extends up. That would probably help a lot if your concerned with tipping and don’t plan to move after raising the arm.

Very Cool, this is the highest I have seen a robot extend so far.

Nothing except the videos of prototyping, once I get some good footage I will be sure to post it.

This bot isn’t competing in any other events this year. 290’s qualifier was last Saturday, which they made to the semifinals, but were unable to advance to states.

Great job guys! Can 987’s mentored team borrow it???:smiley: But seriously…I would love to see a close up of your elevator/slide mechanism.

How long does it take to reach full height?

Well, the mast is attached to an arm that will pick up the crates from behind the bot, and then you have to line it up before you drive the mast. I’d say it takes about 10-15 seconds to do all of this, and get the mast to full height.