pic: Gear Head 2 Frame

Complete Frame ready from controls

That is really cool. Are those black tube things air bags??

could be a simulated max weight for better traction with the mecanum. i could be mistaken

You guys do realize that ‘air bags’ like those are illegal?

Those bags look like they are not allowed according to this QandA:


Sweet mecanum drive! We were considering going like that but in the end went for a modified version of out '06 drive train.


You guys might have fun with that mecanum. The standard mecanum setup has the opposite corners the same, not the sides. (The rollers should look like a circle or an X seen from above.) If you don’t change one end, you won’t be able to go sideways.

Are those black things for supporting other robots?

now that i think about it, those do look like airbags

The black things appear to be simulated weight, as was said before…

The only problem I see with the mecanum setup (other than what Eric mentioned) is that they appear to be on cantilevered banebots kit transmissions, and from the reaction I’ve seen… that is not a very good Idea. All it would take is four pillow blocks mounted on the extruded to remedy it though…

Other than that, though, It looks great! I like the weight distribution (assuming the battery will be opposite of the compressor).

One of the most Aesthetically pleasing extruded frames yet…


At least it looks like it ought to be reasonably easy to switch the wheels around. There is a single ‘correct’ arrangement of these wheels that offers the anticipated mobility and the most opportunity for resisting unwanted movement – this isn’t it. :slight_smile:

Do you plan on having any form of suspension to keep all wheels touching the ground at all times?

From what I’ve heard, it’s not imperative, but it is very important.

I was wondering how you attached the mecanum wheels to the cim motors.
If you would contact me about it I would really appreciated.


Raul Salinas
[email protected]
Team 1480
Rovatos Locos