pic: Greg Needel at FLR

i really don’t know what to put here

yeah there is not much to say about this one…i have no clue at all…

Same here. HAHA! :yikes:

i am sure that will look sweet on a button, probably like 150 buttons should do.

I will take one! :yikes:

i am sure that will look sweet on a button, probably like 150 buttons should do.


I smell some face posters for Championship. Make some masks. Oh yeah payback. :cool:

have some spare button thingys?

i see a kinko’s run coming up for huge 34" by 68" posters!

I am not sure what to say about this one…I think I need to wear one of those blue dot masks they give to criminals at events.

I’m up for a copy of the poster and a button.

That must’ve been the exact moment his robot first scored in autonomous.

He’s in the pits, don’t think he would be able to see the auto.

I’m up for the button :slight_smile:

well…you never know! (after all…it is greg :stuck_out_tongue: )