pic: Guess who!!

Guess who this is crashing at Schindler's apartment!!

Ok, I have no clue… Who is it? :slight_smile:

Erin Rapacki!

a little birdie told me so!

That’s my guess too. :slight_smile:

hehehe Erin? She looks a little tired after Battlecry… I woulda poured cold water all over her…

But that may have stained Tom’s coutch…and he was worried about me eating chips and salsa on it…lol

… that was until i was informed that teh couch was no prize possession :slight_smile:


Tom really needs to invest in a pullout… oh wait, those might be a little tougher to yoink for free eh? Lets see: couches, chairs, a kitchen table, and a desk from Segway… you’re such a mooch. :smiley:

Did you end up keeping that 6 disc changer there? And how about yoinking a broom to clean up after all those peanuts :ahh:

I made the man who made the mess clean it up on sunday morning…

Ok, maybe Tom isn’t a mooch… he’s just good at junk’n. I brought the 6-disk CD changer back home to collect dust (no need for CD changers anymore… I just rip CDs into my computer).

I heard it was somebody else who swept the floor… :wink: