If you were in the bottom of the near-curie side of the stands towards the end of the curie finals, you probably saw this interesting game of ring toss being played. If not… then you missed out on some good ole’ fashion fun
Good times, good times I’ll have the video of this posted up soon, hopefully. If you really wanna see it, instant message me and I’ll send it to you.
Click there to see the video you may need to rightclick and “Save target as”…
LMAO is all I have to say… I can’t believe you got video of that!! See… now aren’t you glad the girls from my team invited you up to our area in the bleachers… LOL
I had my camera with me and was sitting right next to you guys at the time and didn’t even take one pic of that, I’m glad you got video of it!
Ahh… Sweet FIRST memories!! LOL
*Originally posted by Elgin Clock *
**now aren’t you glad the girls from my team invited you up to our area in the bleachers
Very Glad That was a very good time
If you would like to see more of Sam Harding (the guy w/ the hair), come to the IRI and say hi You could prolly throw a ring or two too.
Whoa… I just realised something. In your second still photo… Top right pic in the 4 frame pic, there is a flash going off… I am in possesion of that picture that caused that flash in the picture you have and the video… I didn’t take the picture but one of the girls from my team took it using one of my cameras she borrowed. I just got the pics back today. And sure enough if you look close enough in your video you can see my teammate take the picture and then put the camera away. LOL.
If you want a copy of the picture I’m sure she would agree to it.
As for IRI I have personally just heard about this comp. this year and are highly doubtful if my team would get together to go so far from home for an off season competition. We usually just hit the ones in CT MA and NH. But I’ll throw out the idea to the team, maybe they’ll agree to it… Ya’ never know.
haha!! that’s awesome I would like a copy of that picture heh… strange how things work like that.
And it’d be cool if you guys could come to IRI, it’s a good competition. We’ve had a good turn out, last year we had around 30 teams, and this year we’re shooting for around 40. Teams like 111, 45, 68, 201, and countless others came last year… go to this thread for more info
Hope to see ya there